Communism Theory Vs. Real Life

dorothy day communism catholic churchCommunism theory has captivated many young people but the real life of those who live it tells a different story than the theory. After her conversion to Catholicism, journalist Dorothy Day (1897-1980) became involved in social justice campaigns and founded the Catholic Worker movement.

Just before launching the movement, Day wrote an article that painted a sympathetic and yet critical view of communists she had met personally.

Her personal encounters with communists helped her to see that good can be found in people both inside and outside the Church. Though the intentions of some espousing communist doctrine may be well-intended, Day was left to conclude as the Catholic Church has taught that Christianity and communism were not only incompatible but mutual threats.

In the face of such a threat, the Catholic Church could not and does not remain silent. This Apostolic See, above all, has not refrained from raising its voice, for it knows that its proper and social mission is to defend truth, justice and all those eternal values which Communism ignores or attacks. Ever since the days when groups of “intellectuals” were formed in an arrogant attempt to free civilization from the bonds of morality and religion, Our Predecessors overtly and explicitly drew the attention of the world to the consequences of the dechristianization of human society. With reference to Communism, Our Venerable Predecessor, Pius IX, of holy memory, as early as 1846 pronounced a solemn condemnation, which he confirmed in the words of the Syllabus directed against “that infamous doctrine of so-called Communism which is absolutely contrary to the natural law itself, and if once adopted would utterly destroy the rights, property and possessions of all men, and even society itself.” — Divini Redemptoris

Despite such an unequivocal admonishment, and the millions of lives lost in the pursuit of utopia, many Christian and non-Christian intellectuals alike continue to believe that Communism is the answer to what plagues human society. Here is a recent dialogue I came upon between a Christian friend of mine who grew up in communist Romania and an American intellectual. It is worth reading

D. I tell her all the time about life in former communist Romania, the country I was born and raised in. How much do you know about socialism, communism, fascism, and nazism? Are you European? More importantly, are you Eastern European? For us, the memories of communism are still fresh on our minds. Have you experienced and lived through any of the 1989 and early 1990 revolutions? I was born in Timisoara, Romania. I have experienced both communism and the free world, I also used to live for 5 years in Germany before moving to the U.S. so I can easily navigate this topic.

R. I have a MA in political theory. Communism is a name the Soviet Union used. It never reflected any real tenets of Marxism. It was, and Russia is today an authoritarian government, something Marx was against. Anyone, any entity, any government can call itself whatever it wants…it doesn’t mean it is that thing it calls itself. Do you think “Communist” China is anything other than a dictatorship…do you think it actually represents communist ideology in any way?

D. I asked you if you are Eastern European, lived in communism, or partook in any of the late 80’s or early 90′ revolution! You need to meet me at the same level of life experiences and not what you study in your books! You need to meet me at the same level of suffering that should be your heart for the people that died for freedom. Nonetheless, congratulations on your degree but that means nothing to a person like me that comes from a communist background and stands against it. Because in Romania the head of any institution that spoke in the radio, television, books published by scientists and teachers started with the preface: “As comrade Nicolae Ceausescu has taught us” Another secular slogan was “Let us think, let us work, let us live as the Party teaches us, as its General Secretary, comrade Nicolae Ceausescu teaches us!”

You are coming back at me with your degree when my Romanian people and Christian leaders fought for my rights in the court and in the streets? When Christian leaders were summoned at the Town Hall to an inquisition by the Secretary of the County Council, the Chief Police, the Inspector of Religious Denominations, the Inspector of Teaching and Education, Deputy Mayor and the Secretary of the Town Council!?

It was reminded to these people by the clergy that on the basis of Article 30 of the Romanian Constitution, guarantees religious liberty and liberty of conscience, and on the basis of Helsinki Final Act, which guarantees the right of parents to give children an education which conforms their own convictions.

You are coming back at me with your degree when MY ROMANIAN PEOPLE suffered surveillance, threats, torture, and death because they refuse to say what the Communist Party wanted them to say!? My people were humiliated in courts, threatened to remove their license, and thrown out of the city!!!

The indoctrination started gradually and it started within the education system. We didn’t just woke-up one day and our freedoms were taken away.

So with all my respect, I say to you: Your degree means nothing to me and is not a good place to start a conversation in our differences in views when we are a world apart. You never lived in my world, I do in yours!

Were you by my side when I had to wake up early in the morning for food rations!?
Were you by my side when we rush to the train station to escape the big city during the revolution?
Did you hide with me when my mom sheltered me from the bullets that penetrate our building?
Were you lacking access to basics necessities?

Do you understand what communism is from life experience and not educational experience?

Yes, on the surface, the communist party allowed us freedom of religion because the United States was pressuring them, but behind closed doors, only God and those who lived through it know how life went.

I am not Chinese, I am Romanian & American, but I do have Chinese friends, and let me tell you this: they wouldn’t be living here in the U.S. if the Chinese Communist Party wasn’t actually representing the communist ideology. And what a nightmare for my friends and me, thinking we escape communism only to be faced with it once again here in America.

Many of my interview questions throughout the years while applying for green cards, and finally citizenship were about communism and my position regarding this ideology. How many years have passed since the Cold War!? Yet it appears that even nowadays, this ideology is still a concern when applying for green card/ citizenship when you come from a communist country.

You have a 99% chance to be asked when interviewed about what Abraham Lincoln is known for, but there are no further questions regarding your attitude towards slavery if you are against it or not…

Communism is not a thing of the past is alive and well, and God willing, America will always fight against it. I know I will!

My loyalty is to Jesus; the only name I represent is Christian! I don’t fall prey to any “isms”…including Capitalism…everything in this world has its flaws. Eternal living is what matters to me and is my hope and prayer that you will give thought to Him who shed His blood for you.

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