Gwen Stefani Blake Shelton

Why Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Put Their Marriage On Hold

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton put a hold on their marriage. Stefani began the formal process to have her marriage to ex-husband Gavin Rossdale annulled by Catholic church officials so she can marry Blake and have it be recognized by the church,” says the source. “Gwen’s religion has always been extremely important to her, and Blake is completely supportive of this.


In a recent interview with Taste of Country, Blake Shelton said that his relationship with Stefani encouraged him to attend church more and enlivened his faith in God.

“I believe in God now more than I ever have in my life,” he said. “The biggest part of that is just how [Stefani] came into my life and now our relationship. It’s just too weird. If you take God out of it, it doesn’t make sense. If you put God into it, everything that’s happened with us makes sense.”

No time For Church

Why Missing Mass Is A Mortal Sin

For almost 250 years it was a crime punishable by death to go to Mass. Even the mere accusation of being a Christian and failing to denounce it might have brought martyrdom.

The basic test for determining if a person were Christian was whether that person shared regularly in the Church’s worship. For the state, a person who professed Christian beliefs but did not express them in worship posed no danger. For the Church, beliefs not expressed in regular Eucharistic worship were meaningless. The state regarded sharing in the Christian assembly as an act of treason, a capital crime. The Church regarded sharing in its worship as the supreme positive affirmation before God of the Christian life

No time For Church

No Time For Church

Today many profess faith yet do not practice Eucharistic worship (go to Mass). They are too busy…

Scripture commands us to “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for God is at work in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Phil. 2:13f).

Scripture explains that “as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Cor. 11:26)

Hebrews explains, “And this will was for us to be holy by the offering of his body made once for all by Jesus Christ” (Heb. 10:10). The offering made once for all is continually repeated on our behalf by the celebration of the Eucharist, thus continuing the working-out of our redemption. “By virtue of that one single offering, he has achieved the eternal perfection of all whom he is sanctifying.

That is Why it is a mortal sin to miss Mass.  By choosing to stay away from Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of obligation we are deliberately turning our back on Christ and the process of redemption. You are literally saying NO

Alyssa Milano Renounces Catholic Faith – In The End Its All About Me

Despite taking the pill, Alyssa Milano had not one but two abortions in 1993, saying it “put her in conflict with her Catholic faith.” She said her life “would be completely lacking all its great joys” had she kept her two aborted children. While she said she “was in love for the first time,” and it was an “overwhelming,” “joyful, exciting, and powerful time in my life.” She explained that she took birth control because “I knew I was not ready to be a parent.”

The Bible tells us repeatedly that all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child, is a reward and blessing. Whether they’re bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a source for the growth of His Kingdom here on Earth.

Love is life. God loved and created life. Life is a natural byproduct of love. Let’s pray for Alyssa and all others that devil has taken a grasp of; that they may find true love and joy and be set free

God knows that children can bring us closer to Him and help us grow and bring real joy; we become more of ourselves not less Alyssa sorry you don’t understand that and sorry for your loss. 


Why No Contraception?

Until the 1930s, all of Christianity regarded contraception as evil. Even much of the secular world saw it as unnatural. Today, although many self-professed Catholics use contraception, the Catholic Church remains the only institution on the face of the earth that continues to stand against it.


“In the question of the Church’s teaching on the regulation of birth we are called to profess in union with the whole Church the exigent but uplifting teaching recorded in the Encyclical Humanae vitae, which my Predecessor Paul VI put forth ‘by virtue of the mandate entrusted to us by Christ’ (AAS 60, 1968, p.485).

Particularly in this regard, we must be conscious of the fact that God’s wisdom supersedes human calculation and His grace is powerful in people’s lives.” “Contraception is to be judged objectively so illicit,” that it can never, for any reason be justified.” St. Pope John Paul II

Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:25-27

Why Did Priest Resign

Why This Priest Resigned-You May Not Believe It

What’s the harm in having a “traditional” style mass?

Most Masses around the country are like stepping into the tonight show. Clapping laughing, holding hands, big band music, communion in the hand, no more kneeling, homilies are all about how much God loves us, little to do with sin and moving closer towards Christ. As a result, few Catholics go to confession they have been told God loves them (of course he does) but there is more to the story.

The Church will never be completely destroyed but the amount of self-inflicting harm is truly outstanding. The Church is full of internal disease and is doing more harm to itself than the secular world could ever hope to do. In an attempt to not offend and be liked by everyone, the modernist has watered down every aspect of the Catholic religious life including the center of Catholic faith itself, the Mass.

These modernists have failed and they just want to double down like a degenerate gambler. Church attendance is way down all over and many that do attend don’t even believe in the real presence in the Eucharist. In other words, they are Catholic in name only.

So what is the harm in having a “traditional ” style Mass? It just might work that is the problem

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Why I Hate Religion

These days it’s popular to make such claims like: ” I love Jesus but not like organized religion. “ Or the ever-popular: “I am spiritual but not religious .” I often remind those making the latter that the devil was spiritual also, and he believed in Jesus as well.

The devil in fact wants us to believe all we need is the belief  in Jesus, and if we are a good person, whatever that means, we don’t need religion or to go to Church. Jesus, on the other hand, has quite a different idea. He started a Church with Peter as its first leader and he prayed that his Church would be one and that there would no dissension.

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…Matthew 17 


              God, who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. 10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree together, so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be united in mind and conviction. First Corinthians 1:  9

No Church is perfect, just as Peter himself was not. Remember Peter denied Christ yet Christ chose Peter as the leader of his Church.  None of the other Apostles were perfect either. But that doesn’t negate Jesus’s desire for us to participate in His Church— the One –Holy –Catholic –Apostolic Church. The one he promised the gates of hell would not prevail against.



The First Television Evangelist

While some might think of Bishop Sheen as a sort of “Catholic Billy Graham,”  it was Graham who once referred to Sheen as “the greatest communicator of the twentieth century.









Drawing 30 million viewers to his weekly show Bishop Fulton Sheen was America’s first televangelist. After appearing in Time magazine’s April 1952 cover, Sheen went on to beat out comedian Milton Berle for the 1953 Emmy for Most Outstanding Personality. emmy award

“He’s got better writers,” Berle famously responded. “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.”

Watch and listen to Bishop Sheen incredible explanation of the Mass



Church on Sundays… Hold The No Sex Until Marriage

A friend recently posted the article below with comments in somewhat of despair and frustration. He is a devout practicing Catholic, meaning he takes the Church and ALL of her teachings seriously. He doesn’t just pick and choose from it like a menu at a fast-food restaurant. I will have the number 1 please:

Church on Sundays, but hold the no sex until marriage, and light on the regular confessions they give me a headache. 

There is nothing new here…we constantly here from Catholics and Non-Catholics alike why people are leaving Catholicism for another Christian denomination. It has little to nothing to do with modern buildings, congregations or otherwise. After-all this started with Martin Luther in the late 1500s.

The fact is, as we move more and more towards an— individualistic culture— the focus on what is objectively true has no bearing. In fact, the very idea of objective truth has become a medieval idea like the Church buildings described in the article.  What is important is subjective (self) truth. In other words, you become your own authority.

That is at the heart of individualism. Protestantism —with its Bible only multi-denominational— you don’t like this one go to the next one or start your own Church, is very appealing to the individualistic follower. He gets to be his own authority while still feeling like he is Christian. In short, they allow you to feel good being in sin.

With that said the Catholic Church could, of course, do a better job forming its adherents. Many self-proclaimed Catholics do not go to Church regularly,  at least they do not feel the obligation to attend Sunday Mass (a mortal sin). They rarely go to confession and they practice contraception and pre-marital sex at similar rates than those outside the Church. In short, most Catholics do not even understand what Catholicism is. I know, I was one of them for a long time. What drew me back is the same thing that draws thousands of others who have lost their way— it’s true.

I suspect what will draw people to Catholicism will not be bigger screens, the promise of more prosperity, better pancake breakfasts, or more modern buildings centrally located. No, what will draw people will first have to be the decision to accept the truth. The truth, however, is not a popular word these days, at least not when it comes to morality. We like truth when it comes to what we should eat, what causes cancer, and other things that will make our physical body last longer and look better, but not when it comes to what will make our souls live forever.

So today its Pentecostalism tomorrow it’s Joel Olsteen prosperity Gospel and the next day? …well you get the idea. The simple fact is Christ said: “I am the way the truth and life” . He never wrote a thing, instead, he taught 12 unscrupulous knuckleheads about his truth and promised them the keys of the kingdom.  Ironically he also prayed that his Church be one. “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” Nothing about I hope they learn to read the Bible and interpret it correctly.


Ten Reasons Why the Pentecostals Are Whooping the Catholics

We hear continual news reports that the Pentecostal Protestants in South America are stealing sheep from the Catholic fold at a record rate. Why are they so successful? The reasons are not just theological, but social, economic and political.


Boys Wearing Dresses To School “OK…” Enforcing Immigration… That’s a Sin?

Ironic that the leader (Rev. Justin Welby) of a schismatic church (Church of England), founded by a man (King Henry VIII), seeking to divorce his wife, has the temerity to be confused as to why Christians in the United State support Donald Trump.

In recent years, prior to his elevation as Archbishop of Canterbury, the church Rev. Welby presides over has been riddled with ever great schisms from within.  Women priests, abortion, homosexual marriage are just a few. All of which the Rev. seems hard-pressed to outright condemn, instead he urges understanding, sympathy and deeper exploration of the scripture.

In an interview for the Christian Institute, Welby commented: “I am having to struggle to be faithful to the tradition, faithful to the scripture, to understand what the call and will of God is in the 21st century and to respond appropriately with an answer for all people – not condemning them, whether I agree with them or not – that covers both sides of the argument. He acknowledges dodging the question as to whether or not he thinks gay marriage is a sin.

It seems there is little Rev. Welby will outright say is wrong, except of course President Trump and his supporters. Gay marriage, female priests, abortion are all up for discussion and serious consideration, enforcing immigration… that’s a sin.

Rev. Welby has also stated that he believes:  Female ordination and sexuality are surface issues. The root of the problem lies in different views on Scripture and tradition Rev. Welby thinks real progress will come from understanding scripture.  “We have no Anglican Pope. Our authority as a church is dispersed, and is ultimately found in Scripture, properly interpreted,”.       That is the fundamental problem with any church outside of the Catholic Church, they have NO AUTHORITY

Rather than proclaiming the Christian truth on these issues, Rev. Welby is more concerned with attempting to making the Christian church fit into modern times. His focus is on ecumenism. Ecumenism is usually shorthand for —what tradition can we do away with.  When asked about a boy wearing a dress to school Rev. Welby said: “not a problem” and he seems perfectly OK with not interfering.   I for one am totally perplexed by Rev. Welby, exactly how much scripture do you have to research to know that abortion and gay marriage are a sin?

Archbishop of Canterbury baffled by Christian support for Donald Trump

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why fundamentalist Christians in the US support Donald Trump.


August 15th 2017 The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017 we celebrate—The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary — a Holy Day of Obligation.  Holy Days of Obligation are NOT —optional —they are obligatory it is a sin to miss Mass on these days

On November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary to be a dogma of faith: “We pronounce, declare and define it to be a divinely revealed dogma that the immaculate Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” The pope proclaimed this dogma only after a broad consultation of bishops, theologians and laity. There were few dissenting voices. What the pope solemnly declared was already a common belief in the Catholic Church.

We find homilies on the Assumption going back to the sixth century. In the following centuries, the Eastern Churches held steadily to the doctrine, but some authors in the West were hesitant. However, by the 13th century, there was universal agreement. The feast was celebrated under various names–Commemoration, Dormition, Passing, Assumption–from at least the fifth or sixth century. Today it is celebrated as a solemnity.

Scripture does not give an account of Mary’s Assumption into heaven. Nevertheless, Revelation 12 speaks of a woman who is caught up in the battle between good and evil. Many see this woman as God’s people. Since Mary best embodies the people of both Old and New Testaments, her Assumption can be seen as an exemplification of the woman’s victory.

Furthermore, in 1 Corinthians 15:20, Paul speaks of Christ’s resurrection as the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.

Since Mary is closely associated with all the mysteries of Jesus’ life, it is not surprising that the Holy Spirit has led the Church to believe in Mary’s share in his glorification. So close was she to Jesus on earth, she must be with him body and soul in heaven.

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Holy Days of Obligation 2017

January 1, the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter, the solemnity of the Ascension
August 15, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
November 1, the solemnity of All Saints
December 8, the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
December 25, the solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ