
Why Kim Kardashian Is Dressing Differently

Kim is the wife of rapper Kanye West. Kim who is famous for her in-your-face sexual style, says that her husband and her experience at the White House have emboldened her to tone down her look and dress more conservatively.

Like it or not Kardashian has influenced millions of young girls in today’s highly charged sexual world. Let’s hope her change of heart sustains and she can begin to have a positive influence

Kanye, who encouraged his wife to dress sexy and show off her body, began having a change of heart and told Kim he no longer liked her dressing overtly sexy. “It was damaging his soul”

For her part, Kim recently visited her family’s homeland, Armenia, where she and her children were baptized at one of the oldest churches in the world.

Let’s keep both Kanye and Kim as well as their entire family and friends in our prayers as they continue on their journey

Favor for Planned Parenthood

Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Did A Favor For Planned Parenthood

The sale of body parts from an aborted baby for profit is in direct violation of state and federal law.

Remember the videos that exposed Planned Parenthood selling babies’ body parts?

Planned Parenthood Videos | Why Catholic

Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos. Warning-You may find these highly disturbing to watch

2020 Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris likes to be recognized for being tough on crime

Favor for Planned Parenthood

Kamala Harris Is Tough On Crime

 So who did Harris fight for?

Fetus Is A Baby

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris, a long time pro-abortion advocate, and now a leading Democratic presidential candidate has received tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions from Planned Parenthood-affiliated entities.  In 2016, it was Harris who was the California Attorney General who ordered the search warrant against David Daleiden, an anti-abortion activist who created the undercover videos. Daledien’s lawyers are now arguing that the search warrant was “served without probable cause and in bad faith,” and should, therefore, be thrown out.

Despite the fact that California laws protect citizen journalists from these kinds of legal attacks, Harris, as a favor to Planned Parenthood, went ahead and filed charges anyway.

Daleiden’s lawyers filed a motion that includes email exchanges between Harris’s office and Planned Parenthood executives working together to obtain a search warrant for Daleiden’s unreleased videos. They also include evidence that the state’s own special investigative team did not believe they had probable cause to search and seize Daleiden’s property.

Instead of fighting against Planned Parenthood who was violating the law she chose to fight the person behind exposing them. Kamala Harris is another face of evil.

Alyssa Milano Renounces Catholic Faith – In The End Its All About Me

Despite taking the pill, Alyssa Milano had not one but two abortions in 1993, saying it “put her in conflict with her Catholic faith.” She said her life “would be completely lacking all its great joys” had she kept her two aborted children. While she said she “was in love for the first time,” and it was an “overwhelming,” “joyful, exciting, and powerful time in my life.” She explained that she took birth control because “I knew I was not ready to be a parent.”

The Bible tells us repeatedly that all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child, is a reward and blessing. Whether they’re bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a source for the growth of His Kingdom here on Earth.

Love is life. God loved and created life. Life is a natural byproduct of love. Let’s pray for Alyssa and all others that devil has taken a grasp of; that they may find true love and joy and be set free

God knows that children can bring us closer to Him and help us grow and bring real joy; we become more of ourselves not less Alyssa sorry you don’t understand that and sorry for your loss. 


Democracy Doesn’t Work Without Religion

French diplomat, political scientist, and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville analyzed the improved living standards and social conditions of individuals as well as their relationship to the market and state in Western societies.  His most famous work,  Democracy in America, was published after Tocqueville’s travels in the United States and is today considered an early work of sociology and political science. He wrote that Catholics “constitute the most republican and the most democratic class of citizens which exists in the United States.” The reason for this, he argued, was Catholicism’s emphasis on equality:

Many of the Framers believed religion was indispensable to their republican experiment. George Washington, Gouverneur Morris, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Rush and John Adams who once said that the U.S. Constitution “was made only for a moral and religious people.” all, believed that good government cannot exist absent sound religious principles.

Harvard professor Clay Christensen spoke with a Marxist Economist for China who came to the United States to study democracy. When Christensen asked the economist what he learned that stood out the most the economist from China replied:

“I had no idea how critical religion is to the functioning of democracy.”

The reason why democracy works is not because the government was designed to oversee what everybody does. Rather, democracy works because most people most of the time voluntarily choose to obey the law.

In your past, most Americans attended a church or a synagogue every week, and they were taught there by people who they respected. Americans followed these rules because they had come to believe they were uncountable to society, they were accountable to God.



Candace Owens Is Right-Aborting Black America

Candace Owens, a political activist, and commentator is often asked: "why so many white people attend her talks?" Her response was spot on—here is the proof

Candace Owens Aborting Black America

Planned Parenthood’s continues sharing its founder, Margaret Sangers vision, and the evidence is clear.

Read about their “Vital” work










“The greatest danger to blacks is found precisely where we ought to be safest: in our mothers’ wombs. In 2010, the most recent year for which statistics are available, 138,539 black babies were aborted.” —J. Kenneth Blackwell

Continue reading Mr. Blackwell’s article and why 138,539 black babies, nearly one baby in three, were killed in the womb in 2010.

79% of Planned Parenthood facilities target Black and Hispanic women. Look at this Google Map it will blow you away:

Catholicism: That’s as sane as people can get

Catholicism: that's as sane as people can get

Catholicism: that's as sane as people can get, was a response Dr. Peterson gave to Dennis Prager during an extended interview. Peterson arguably the most recognized psychologist in the world today, discusses Christianity, Suffering, and Sanity with radio talk show host Dennis Prager, a Conservative Jew. Peterson says that "Catholicism is as sane as people can get." and then explains the importance of the Christian idea. When asked if he believes in God, he offers a profound answer challenging listeners.

His response puts his view in stark contrast with the many in the protestant community that ironically awaits his declaration to be a Christian. Many protestants see stated Belief as the only requirement to being a faithful Christian, something Peterson often criticizes as he does here. Peterson has long been an eager student of the Christian narrative and says he has been fascinated with the study of good and evil for most of his adult life. He believes the Christian narrative is the only antidote to the evil that he knows of. 

The Intellect Helps The Will

As Frank Sheed wrote in his book Theology and Sanity, first published in 1947:

"The soul consists of two parts, the will and the intellect. The will is to love; the intellect is to understand." The man who uses his intellect in religion is using it to see what is there. The alternative to seeing what is there, is either not seeing what is there, and this is darkness; or seeing what is not there, and this is error, derangement a kind of double darkness. And is unthinkable that darkness, whether single or double should be preferred to light"

The Catholic Church, unites faith and reason, intellect and will, and helps pilgrims on earth to avoid the error and superstition and the purposelessness of pure rationalism. Although not yet a self-proclaimed Christian himself, Dr. Jordan Peterson re-articulates that same message and believes it is the only thing that makes sense both from a psychological and a biological perspective.

The Politics of Destroying People of Faith


It is widely speculated that if President Trump has another nomination to the Supreme Court he will pick Amy Coney Barrett.

Amy Vivian Coney married Jesse M. Barrett, an Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana. They have seven children: five biological children and two children adopted from Haiti. Her youngest biological child has special needs.

Senator Dianne Feinstein displayed what many believe to be her religious bigotry when Judge Barret was nominated to the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Feinstein and her Democratic colleagues pelted Barrett with questions about her Catholic faith and its relation to duties as a federal judge. Her deep Roman Catholic faith and views on hot-button social issues became a pointed line of questioning.

Let us hope Dianne Feinstein is not around to attempt to destroy Judge Barrett they way she did Justice Kavanaugh

The Greatest Sin Is Pride

Whenever we pit ourselves against Church teaching and act as our own Magisterium, we reveal that we are in the grip of deadly pride. Pride in fact is the worst of the seven deadly sins.

Almost all non-Catholic Christian churches abandoned long ago the indissolubility of marriage. By the 1950’s they caved into secular thinking regarding contraception, and now they are defending abortion.

The word Catholic means universal:  — for all times — for all places — for all people

Jesus Christ the logos (truth) incarnate can not change, what is true today was true yesterday and will be true tomorrow. The Church of Christ is One, the Church is the bride of Christ and Christ can only have one bride (Eph 5:23-32)

Pride has created such disastrous divisions that Jesus himself foresaw and prayed for:

I urge you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people (Romans 16 17:18)



I am Not Gay- I am a Man

Openly homosexual fashion designers Dolce & Gabbana continue to buck leftist positions on human sexuality, marriage, and child-rearing.

“You are born to a mother and a father — or at least that’s how it should be,” Dolce said. “I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen is chosen from a catalog.” The Catholic Church condemns these acts and considers  them immoral 

Gabbana concurred, adding, “The family is not a fad. In it, there is a supernatural sense of belonging.” Music legend and icon Elton John blasted the two designer icons for their comments but Dolce and Gabbana did not back down and continued to hold the Catholic position which is based like other moral teachings in natural law

Both Dolce & Gabbana have supported traditional marriage. In 2013, when they were asked if they’d be getting married, Dolce said: “What? Never! I’m a practicing Catholic.”

In a recent interview, Stefano Gabbana laid a new one on people by demanding he not be called “gay” and just simply “man.”

Continue reading more about these fashion trend giants click here


She Is Not An Object

With all of the sexual harassment accusations happening today it’s worth remembering she is NOT an object—No one is an object…