The Mass-The Source of All Grace

We can sometimes take the Mass for granted. It becomes just something we do on Sundays, a time to see friends,  maybe have a little prayer. The Mass however, is the source of all grace. In the Mass, Jesus, the source of all grace, comes down from heaven and becomes truly present in the Eucharist. You can’t have a more personal relationship that that. Only the Catholic Church believes as Jesus taught:

Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For My flesh is real food, and My blood is real drink. Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood remains in Me, and I in him  John 6:54-56



Why I Hate Religion

These days it’s popular to make such claims like: ” I love Jesus but not like organized religion. “ Or the ever-popular: “I am spiritual but not religious .” I often remind those making the latter that the devil was spiritual also, and he believed in Jesus as well.

The devil in fact wants us to believe all we need is the belief  in Jesus, and if we are a good person, whatever that means, we don’t need religion or to go to Church. Jesus, on the other hand, has quite a different idea. He started a Church with Peter as its first leader and he prayed that his Church would be one and that there would no dissension.

Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by My Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”…Matthew 17 


              God, who has called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful. 10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree together, so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be united in mind and conviction. First Corinthians 1:  9

No Church is perfect, just as Peter himself was not. Remember Peter denied Christ yet Christ chose Peter as the leader of his Church.  None of the other Apostles were perfect either. But that doesn’t negate Jesus’s desire for us to participate in His Church— the One –Holy –Catholic –Apostolic Church. The one he promised the gates of hell would not prevail against.



The Greatest Sin Is Pride

Whenever we pit ourselves against Church teaching and act as our own Magisterium, we reveal that we are in the grip of deadly pride. Pride in fact is the worst of the seven deadly sins.

Almost all non-Catholic Christian churches abandoned long ago the indissolubility of marriage. By the 1950’s they caved into secular thinking regarding contraception, and now they are defending abortion.

The word Catholic means universal:  — for all times — for all places — for all people

Jesus Christ the logos (truth) incarnate can not change, what is true today was true yesterday and will be true tomorrow. The Church of Christ is One, the Church is the bride of Christ and Christ can only have one bride (Eph 5:23-32)

Pride has created such disastrous divisions that Jesus himself foresaw and prayed for:

I urge you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery, they deceive the minds of naive people (Romans 16 17:18)



Church on Sundays… Hold The No Sex Until Marriage

A friend recently posted the article below with comments in somewhat of despair and frustration. He is a devout practicing Catholic, meaning he takes the Church and ALL of her teachings seriously. He doesn’t just pick and choose from it like a menu at a fast-food restaurant. I will have the number 1 please:

Church on Sundays, but hold the no sex until marriage, and light on the regular confessions they give me a headache. 

There is nothing new here…we constantly here from Catholics and Non-Catholics alike why people are leaving Catholicism for another Christian denomination. It has little to nothing to do with modern buildings, congregations or otherwise. After-all this started with Martin Luther in the late 1500s.

The fact is, as we move more and more towards an— individualistic culture— the focus on what is objectively true has no bearing. In fact, the very idea of objective truth has become a medieval idea like the Church buildings described in the article.  What is important is subjective (self) truth. In other words, you become your own authority.

That is at the heart of individualism. Protestantism —with its Bible only multi-denominational— you don’t like this one go to the next one or start your own Church, is very appealing to the individualistic follower. He gets to be his own authority while still feeling like he is Christian. In short, they allow you to feel good being in sin.

With that said the Catholic Church could, of course, do a better job forming its adherents. Many self-proclaimed Catholics do not go to Church regularly,  at least they do not feel the obligation to attend Sunday Mass (a mortal sin). They rarely go to confession and they practice contraception and pre-marital sex at similar rates than those outside the Church. In short, most Catholics do not even understand what Catholicism is. I know, I was one of them for a long time. What drew me back is the same thing that draws thousands of others who have lost their way— it’s true.

I suspect what will draw people to Catholicism will not be bigger screens, the promise of more prosperity, better pancake breakfasts, or more modern buildings centrally located. No, what will draw people will first have to be the decision to accept the truth. The truth, however, is not a popular word these days, at least not when it comes to morality. We like truth when it comes to what we should eat, what causes cancer, and other things that will make our physical body last longer and look better, but not when it comes to what will make our souls live forever.

So today its Pentecostalism tomorrow it’s Joel Olsteen prosperity Gospel and the next day? …well you get the idea. The simple fact is Christ said: “I am the way the truth and life” . He never wrote a thing, instead, he taught 12 unscrupulous knuckleheads about his truth and promised them the keys of the kingdom.  Ironically he also prayed that his Church be one. “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” Nothing about I hope they learn to read the Bible and interpret it correctly.


Ten Reasons Why the Pentecostals Are Whooping the Catholics


Boys Wearing Dresses To School “OK…” Enforcing Immigration… That’s a Sin?

Ironic that the leader (Rev. Justin Welby) of a schismatic church (Church of England), founded by a man (King Henry VIII), seeking to divorce his wife, has the temerity to be confused as to why Christians in the United State support Donald Trump.

In recent years, prior to his elevation as Archbishop of Canterbury, the church Rev. Welby presides over has been riddled with ever great schisms from within.  Women priests, abortion, homosexual marriage are just a few. All of which the Rev. seems hard-pressed to outright condemn, instead he urges understanding, sympathy and deeper exploration of the scripture.

In an interview for the Christian Institute, Welby commented: “I am having to struggle to be faithful to the tradition, faithful to the scripture, to understand what the call and will of God is in the 21st century and to respond appropriately with an answer for all people – not condemning them, whether I agree with them or not – that covers both sides of the argument. He acknowledges dodging the question as to whether or not he thinks gay marriage is a sin.

It seems there is little Rev. Welby will outright say is wrong, except of course President Trump and his supporters. Gay marriage, female priests, abortion are all up for discussion and serious consideration, enforcing immigration… that’s a sin.

Rev. Welby has also stated that he believes:  Female ordination and sexuality are surface issues. The root of the problem lies in different views on Scripture and tradition Rev. Welby thinks real progress will come from understanding scripture.  “We have no Anglican Pope. Our authority as a church is dispersed, and is ultimately found in Scripture, properly interpreted,”.       That is the fundamental problem with any church outside of the Catholic Church, they have NO AUTHORITY

Rather than proclaiming the Christian truth on these issues, Rev. Welby is more concerned with attempting to making the Christian church fit into modern times. His focus is on ecumenism. Ecumenism is usually shorthand for —what tradition can we do away with.  When asked about a boy wearing a dress to school Rev. Welby said: “not a problem” and he seems perfectly OK with not interfering.   I for one am totally perplexed by Rev. Welby, exactly how much scripture do you have to research to know that abortion and gay marriage are a sin?


Are Catholics Christians?

are Catholics Christian?Many people exploring Christianity often wonder what is the difference between all the different Churches and sometimes ask, Are Catholics Christians? Excuse us, but the Catholic Church is the only true Christian Church. It wasn’t just generic Christians being eaten by lions in Rome; it was Catholics. Period. Catholic means universal it is not a denomination it is the Church founded by Christ himself. Since universal power belongs to the risen Jesus (Mt 28:18), he gives the eleven a mission that is universal. They are to make disciples of all nations.

Go, therefore,- and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. — Matthew 28:19
Many people claim that the Catholic Church might have been the first Church but that it erred at some time. Following scripture though we see that that would be impossible. Reading the next line in Matthew we see by the passage in Matthew that Christ also promised his Church would exist till the end.
And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age. —Matthew 28:20
The apostles did of course what Christ instructed them to and all died as martyrs to spread the Gospel. It would have been unfathomable to have hundreds of different Churches. In fact, part of the mission of the apostles was to correct the Churches that were not teaching properly.

“So the churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily.” —Acts 16:5

All Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are Catholics, thanks largely to excommunicated priest Martin Luther. Luther claimed to reform the Church but in reality, he started a revolution that has resulted in a new Christian denomination starting each day.

Now, what occasions this little correction? A recent event in which the headline reporting said: “Ecumenical Event Unites Christians and Catholics.” Please.


Did Pope Francis Really Praise Lucifer?

Several videos on YouTube claim that Pope Francis has praised Lucifer as God, just as several videos claimed the same about Pope Benedict XVI during his pontificate. As the theory goes, this is a Vatican-wide (or Catholic Church-wide) conspiracy to praise Satan during the Easter Vigil. Here’s a sample that takes anti-Catholicism to a new low, and many people are falling for it. Read why these people are getting it all wrong…

When properly translated (unlike in the conspiracy videos), it’s clear that the “Lucifer” in question is Jesus Christ. But why call Him that? Because “Lucifer” literally means “light-bearer” (lux is “light,” as you may know from fiat lux, “let there be light”), and it was the term used for the morning star.

As Joby Provido writes, “Light, for example, was always a symbol of God in the Old Testament. When God made his covenant with Abraham, he appeared as a smoking firepot and flaming torch. In Exodus, God revealed himself from a burning bush when he spoke to Moses. When the Israelites left Egypt, a pillar of fire guided and protected them during the night.  In the New Testament, the disciples of Jesus would have understood he claimed to be God when he said, “I am the light of the world.” This became a part of early Christianity that Jesus is called the “morning star.” This is because one of the symbols of God is light – and the brightest light in the sky is the sun – the morning star.”

Did Pope Francis Praise Lucifer?

Several videos on YouTube are claiming that Pope Francis has praised Lucifer as God, just as several YouTube videos claimed the same about Pope Benedict XVI during his pontificate. In fact, as the theory goes, this is a Vatican-wide (or Catholic Church wide) conspiracy to praise Satan during the Easter Vigil.

As Father Louis Campbell succinctly states:

“The word ‘lucifer’, which is used during the lighting of the Paschal Candle on Holy Saturday, refers to Jesus Christ, the Light of the World. It has no connection whatsoever to the devil, who is sometimes called Lucifer. The Holy Week services are exclusively dedicated to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”

The devil will do anything to divide followers of Jesus, ANYTHING…


“Beware of the devil, who wants an angry, jealous, divided Church. The Holy Spirit unites, makes us focus on Christ“—Pope Francis




Even In The Beginning, There Were Heretics…

After the martyrdom of Saints Peter, St. Linus was appointed Bishop of Rome, and after eleven years, succeeded by St. Cletus. Upon his demise in 91, St. Clement was placed in the apostolic chair. According to the Liberian Calendar, he sat nine years, eleven months, and twenty days. Pope Saint Linus was the second Bishop of Rome and Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church. His pontificate endured from circa AD 67 to his death. Among those to have been Pope, Saint Peter, Linus, and Clement are specifically named in the New Testament.

The Fathers of the Church spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, defended the Church in apologetic writing and fought the many heresies of the first six centuries of Christianity. These men, also called Apostolic Fathers, gave special witness to the faith, some dying the death of a martyr. Like Jesus who referred to Abraham as a spiritual father (Luke 16: 24) and St. Paul, who referred to himself in the same terms (1 Cor 4: 15), the Fathers were zealous for the word of God. Their writings are a testimony to the faith of the early Church, yet many Christians are unfamiliar with the work of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin the Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian of Carthage, Athanasius, Ephraim, Cyril of Jerusalem, Hilary of Poitiers or Gregory the Great to name of few of the early Fathers.