Democracy Doesn’t Work Without Religion

French diplomat, political scientist, and historian, Alexis de Tocqueville analyzed the improved living standards and social conditions of individuals as well as their relationship to the market and state in Western societies.  His most famous work,  Democracy in America, was published after Tocqueville’s travels in the United States and is today considered an early work of sociology and political science. He wrote that Catholics “constitute the most republican and the most democratic class of citizens which exists in the United States.” The reason for this, he argued, was Catholicism’s emphasis on equality:

Many of the Framers believed religion was indispensable to their republican experiment. George Washington, Gouverneur Morris, Samuel Adams, and Benjamin Rush and John Adams who once said that the U.S. Constitution “was made only for a moral and religious people.” all, believed that good government cannot exist absent sound religious principles.

Harvard professor Clay Christensen spoke with a Marxist Economist for China who came to the United States to study democracy. When Christensen asked the economist what he learned that stood out the most the economist from China replied:

“I had no idea how critical religion is to the functioning of democracy.”

The reason why democracy works is not because the government was designed to oversee what everybody does. Rather, democracy works because most people most of the time voluntarily choose to obey the law.

In your past, most Americans attended a church or a synagogue every week, and they were taught there by people who they respected. Americans followed these rules because they had come to believe they were uncountable to society, they were accountable to God.



More Catholic Discrimination-Kamala Harris

Senators Kamala Harris of California and Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, both Democrats, displayed their open bigotry against the Catholic non-profit group, The Knights of Columbus. During a recent judicial nomination hearing for Omaha lawyer Brian C. Buescher, both senators questioned his ability to be impartial since he belonged to the Catholic organization. Buescher was nominated by President Trump to represent the District of Nebraska on the United States District Court Judge Buescher is a long time member of the Knights of Columbus.

“Sen. Harris described the Knights as “an all-male society and asked if Buescher was aware that the Knights of Columbus “opposed a woman’s right to choose” and were against “marriage equality” when he joined.” 

We previously wrote about Senator Dianne Feinstein Democrat from California when she displayed her Catholic bigotry and discrimination during other Congressional hearings in the fall of 2018

25 Amazing Things Too Many Catholics Don’t Know About the Knights of Columbus (Maybe Even You!)

The Knights of Columbus are the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world! …who are they again? Here are 25 things every Catholic should know about this amazing organization! 1) It all started when a parish priest wanted to help Catholic families. The year was 1882 and anti-Catholic sentiment was


The Politics of Destroying People of Faith


It is widely speculated that if President Trump has another nomination to the Supreme Court he will pick Amy Coney Barrett.

Amy Vivian Coney married Jesse M. Barrett, an Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Indiana. They have seven children: five biological children and two children adopted from Haiti. Her youngest biological child has special needs.

Senator Dianne Feinstein displayed what many believe to be her religious bigotry when Judge Barret was nominated to the U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, Feinstein and her Democratic colleagues pelted Barrett with questions about her Catholic faith and its relation to duties as a federal judge. Her deep Roman Catholic faith and views on hot-button social issues became a pointed line of questioning.

Let us hope Dianne Feinstein is not around to attempt to destroy Judge Barrett they way she did Justice Kavanaugh

They Thought He Would Die But He Didn’t

Perhaps if little Alfie was a refugee, the government might give him more help?

Even though the “Experts” predicted he would die soon after removing life support he kept fighting.

One would think his unexpected ability to breathe would change doctors’ and judges’ minds about their current authoritarian course. But no. The technocracy has ruled that it is in this child’s “best interests” to die now! And so die he will.


I am Not Gay- I am a Man

Openly homosexual fashion designers Dolce & Gabbana continue to buck leftist positions on human sexuality, marriage, and child-rearing.

“You are born to a mother and a father — or at least that’s how it should be,” Dolce said. “I call children of chemistry, synthetic children. Rented uterus, semen is chosen from a catalog.” The Catholic Church condemns these acts and considers  them immoral 

Gabbana concurred, adding, “The family is not a fad. In it, there is a supernatural sense of belonging.” Music legend and icon Elton John blasted the two designer icons for their comments but Dolce and Gabbana did not back down and continued to hold the Catholic position which is based like other moral teachings in natural law

Both Dolce & Gabbana have supported traditional marriage. In 2013, when they were asked if they’d be getting married, Dolce said: “What? Never! I’m a practicing Catholic.”

In a recent interview, Stefano Gabbana laid a new one on people by demanding he not be called “gay” and just simply “man.”

Continue reading more about these fashion trend giants click here


Boys Wearing Dresses To School “OK…” Enforcing Immigration… That’s a Sin?

Ironic that the leader (Rev. Justin Welby) of a schismatic church (Church of England), founded by a man (King Henry VIII), seeking to divorce his wife, has the temerity to be confused as to why Christians in the United State support Donald Trump.

In recent years, prior to his elevation as Archbishop of Canterbury, the church Rev. Welby presides over has been riddled with ever great schisms from within.  Women priests, abortion, homosexual marriage are just a few. All of which the Rev. seems hard-pressed to outright condemn, instead he urges understanding, sympathy and deeper exploration of the scripture.

In an interview for the Christian Institute, Welby commented: “I am having to struggle to be faithful to the tradition, faithful to the scripture, to understand what the call and will of God is in the 21st century and to respond appropriately with an answer for all people – not condemning them, whether I agree with them or not – that covers both sides of the argument. He acknowledges dodging the question as to whether or not he thinks gay marriage is a sin.

It seems there is little Rev. Welby will outright say is wrong, except of course President Trump and his supporters. Gay marriage, female priests, abortion are all up for discussion and serious consideration, enforcing immigration… that’s a sin.

Rev. Welby has also stated that he believes:  Female ordination and sexuality are surface issues. The root of the problem lies in different views on Scripture and tradition Rev. Welby thinks real progress will come from understanding scripture.  “We have no Anglican Pope. Our authority as a church is dispersed, and is ultimately found in Scripture, properly interpreted,”.       That is the fundamental problem with any church outside of the Catholic Church, they have NO AUTHORITY

Rather than proclaiming the Christian truth on these issues, Rev. Welby is more concerned with attempting to making the Christian church fit into modern times. His focus is on ecumenism. Ecumenism is usually shorthand for —what tradition can we do away with.  When asked about a boy wearing a dress to school Rev. Welby said: “not a problem” and he seems perfectly OK with not interfering.   I for one am totally perplexed by Rev. Welby, exactly how much scripture do you have to research to know that abortion and gay marriage are a sin?

Archbishop of Canterbury baffled by Christian support for Donald Trump

The Archbishop of Canterbury has said he does not understand why fundamentalist Christians in the US support Donald Trump.


Sorry Mr. Kaine The Catholic Church Will Never Change Its Teaching


Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine is predicting that the Roman Catholic Church may eventually change its opposition to gay marriage.











Kaine is a devout Roman Catholic as well as a U.S. senator from Virginia and a former governor of that state. He told the Human Rights Campaign during its national dinner Saturday in Washington that he had changed his mind about gay marriage and that his church may follow suit one day.

“I think it’s going to change because my church also teaches me about a creator who, in the first chapter of Genesis, surveyed the entire world, including mankind, and said, ‘It is very good,’” Kaine said. He then recalled Pope Francis’ remark that “who am I to judge?” in reference to gay people.


Sorry Mr. Kaine

Jesus is the way the truth and the life…his teaching does not change with the time … the truth is the same today as it was yesterday and it will be tomorrow continue reading 



The First Female President May Have Been Aborted

That is what Mother Teresa told Hillary Clinton…












In 1994, Hillary Clinton met with Mother Teresa during a National Prayer Breakfast. Crisis Magazine reported that Clinton asked Mother Teresa why the United States had not had a female President yet.

“Because she has probably been aborted,” Mother Teresa responded.

Nearly 60 million babies have been killed since Roe v Wade made abortion legal. Please help put an end to this barbaric killing.


Donald Trumps Campaign Manager Is Catholic & Offers Forgiveness To His Accuser

Corey Lewandowski, campaign manager for Donald Trump, was recently accused of assaulting a reporter. While he claimed his innocence everyone in the news media and political world called for him to be fired and his life was turned upside down. Donald Trump said he believed Corey and stood by him. When a video was released that clearly showed no assault took place the charges were dropped.

Bernie Sanders goes to the Vatican

Presidential candidate and US Senator Bernie Sanders recently attended a conference at the Vatican. The conference commemorating the 25th anniversary of ‘Centesimus Annus’, a high-level teaching document by Pope John Paul II on the economy and social justice at the end of the Cold War, at the Vatican City. Sanders however is an atheist and a socialist so why was he at the Vatican commemorating a document that espoused the values of— Free Markets? Father Robert Sirico tries to make sense of it all….

Read Centesimus Annus:…