Jordan Peterson Discusses The Fragmenting of Christianity

Dr. Jordan Peterson discusses the fragmenting of Christianity with Ben Shapiro on the Dave Rubin show. Dr. Peterson correctly points out that with an authority “you end up becoming your own church”

Watch till the end and see the famous protestant preacher John MacArthur admit the problem of not having a central teaching authority in the church.

As Catholics however, we know that Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom, and through Apostolic succession Francis now holds those keys and
“The Gates of Hell Shall Not Prevail”

Watch the whole show:


Protestant Pastor Admits There Has To Be A Central Teaching Authority!!!

Protestant Pastor & Preacher John MacArthur admits that there has to be a central teaching authority otherwise we end up with tens of thousands of different Christian denominations all claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit teaching the— truth— differently.

Since Jesus can not be the author of confusion we know this can not be possible. And since MacArthur is known for his attacks on the Church Jesus Christ founded, the Universal (Catholic) Church, MacArthur presumably has made himself this authority.