Pete Buttigieg has justified each of his policy proposals as righteous on the authority of God’s Word, calling a failure to endorse his policies “sin” and even going so far as to say Republicans aren’t real Christians.  During the July Democratic debate, the Presidential hopeful said:

“So-called conservative Christian senators right now in the Senate are blocking a bill to raise the minimum wage when Scripture says that whoever oppresses the poor taunts their maker,”

He ignored the ample evidence revealing that minimum wage laws hurt low-income workers most, and slandered Christians in the process.

Sorry, Pete but all you are doing is redefining Christianity. Why Pete Buttigieg Is The Most Destructive Candidate For Christianity

“When I’m president you’ll never have to look at the White House and scratch your head and think, ‘Whatever happened to, ‘I was hungry and you fed me. I was a stranger and you welcomed me. Whatever you’ve done to the least of these, you have done to me?”” Buttigieg said at a campaign stop in Iowa on Monday, quoting the words of Jesus according to Matthew 25:35-40.

Pete seems to find it in scripture that the only way to help the poor is with government programs and control over labor. He also finds in scripture the right to take an innocent life although he doesn’t quote chapter and verse.

Sorry, Pete, we are not lifted up by stories of women executing their own child in their own womb.


Sorry, Pete, but people are lifted up by stories of courage like this one


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