When The Catholic Church Began

When the Catholic began was when Peter was given the keys to the kingdom by Christ himself. Christ knew there would be divisions, so he left authority and promised that the Holy Spirit would not let the Church fail. Today some who don't like church leaders or a particular Church teaching believe the Catholic Church is either in error or not the Church Christ established. Ironically they ignore the very words of Christ himself, who promised

And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,* and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. — Matthew 16:17

when the Catholic church began was when Peter is given the keys to the kingdom and the Authority to lead the church

I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.* Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Matthew 16 19

How Other Churches Began

All other Churches were founded after the Catholic Church by men who had disagreements with the Catholic Church.  In Matthew, we read how conflicts should be resolved.

If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.  Amen, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. —Matthew 18:17
The most significant break came with Martin Luther, who undoubtedly had some serious concerns with the behavior of some Bishops, namely the selling of indulgences. However, as history has shown, Luther, by leaving the Church, went too far. He claimed to be reforming the Church, but in fact, he started a revolution. A revolution that has led thousands of others to claim their authority falsely. Today there are thousands of churches all claiming to be teaching the truth. God, however, can not be the author of confusion.





Catholic 33 Jesus Christ Jerusalem
Orthodox 1054 Schismatic Catholic Bishops Constantinople
Lutheran 1517 Martin Luther Germany
Anabaptist 1521 Nicholas Storch & Thomas Munzer Germany
Anglican 1534 Henry VIII England
Mennonites 1536 Menno Simons Switzerland
Calvinist 1555 John Calvin Switzerland
Presbyterian 1560 John Knox Scotland
Congregational 1582 Robert Brown Holland
Baptist 1609 John Smyth Amsterdam
Dutch Reformed 1628 Michaelis Jones New York
Congregationalist 1648 Pilgrims and Puritans Massachusetts
Quakers 1649 George Fox England
Amish 1693 Jacob Amman France
Freemasons 1717 Masons from four lodges London
Methodist 1739 John & Charles Wesley England
Unitarian 1774 Theophilus Lindey London
Methodist Episcopal 1784 60 Preachers Baltimore, MD
Episcopalian 1789 Samuel Seabury American Colonies
United Brethren 1800 Philip Otterbein & Martin Boehn Maryland
Disciples of Christ 1827 Thomas & Alexander Campbell Kentucky
Mormon 1830 Joseph Smith New York
Methodist Protestant 1830 Methodist United States
Church of Christ 1836 Warren Stone & Alexander Campbell Kentucky
Seventh-Day Adventist 1844 Ellen White Washington, NH
Christadelphian (Brethren of Christ 1844 John Thomas Richmond, VA
Salvation Army 1865 William Booth London
Holiness 1867 Methodist United States
Jehovah's Witnesses 1874 Charles Taze Russell Pennsylvania
Christian Science 1879 Mary Baker Eddy Boston
Church of God in Christ 1895 Various churches of God Arkansas
Church of Nazarene c. 1850-1900 Various religious bodies Pilot Point, TX
Pentecostal 1901 Charles F. Parkham Topeka, KS
Aglipayan 1902 Gregorio Aglipay Philippines
Assemblies of God 1914 Pentecostalism Hot Springs, AZ
Iglesia ni Christo 1914 Felix Manalo Philippines
Four-square Gospel 1917 Aimee Semple McPherson Los Angeles, CA
United Church of Christ 1961 Reformed and Congregationalist Philadelphia, PA
Calvary Chapel 1965 Chuck Smith Costa Mesa, CA
United Methodist 1968 Methodist and United Brethren Dallas, TX
Born-again c. 1970s Various religious bodies United States
Harvest Christian 1972 Greg Laurie Riverside, CA
Saddleback 1982 Rick Warren California
Non-denominational c. 1990s various United States


  1. 33 Jesus??? falso 325 Iglesia catolica vaticana fundada por Constantino en colaboracion Alejandro y Atanasio de Alejandria, dos ciudadanos egipcios, la gran ramera del vaticano fue fundada en Nicea( TURQUIA) pais que hoy en dia es predominantemente musulman.

    no sigan mintiendo, su credo fue compuesto por Atanasio.

  2. The Pope will soon announce that Catholicism was built on a lie. He was notified several months ago in letter that many people around him would become deathly ill. This is the hand of God at work today.

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